Behind the Headlines with UKTV’s Gem Pinkney
Gem Pinkney, publicity manager for UKTV’s W, Gold and Dave channels, on what marks out campaign success, the TV soap that helped launch her career and why we’ll [...]
Behind the Headlines with Time Inc. UK’s Holly McNally
Holly McNally, PR manager at Time Inc. UK, on breaking the habit of checking emails before getting out of bed, what marks out campaign success, why there needs to be a shift [...]
Behind the Headlines with Bauer Media’s Effie Kanyua
Effie Kanyua, comms director for London Lifestyle at Bauer Media, on how she battled her way into the BBC to launch her media career, the best creative partnership she’s [...]
Behind the Headlines with Clarion’s Shelley Wyatt
Shelley Wyatt, managing partner at Clarion, on why trade comms shouldn’t be seen as the “poor relation” of consumer PR, her most memorable pitch to a [...]
Behind the Headlines with Finn’s Matt Bourn
Leeds-based Finn officially opens its new London office this month, so Gorkana goes Behind the Headlines with London head Matt Bourn to talk about cutting his teeth as a [...]
Behind the Headlines with The Spa PR Company’s Tracey Stapleton
Tracey Stapleton, MD of The Spa PR Company, on the importance of developing the agency’s role beyond PR, being a great list maker, the thrill of achieving a media [...]
Behind the Headlines with Guinness World Records’ Jakki Lewis
Jakki Lewis, PR director at Guinness World Records for the EMEA and APAC regions, on helping Ben Stiller break the record for longest selfie stick, her “weird” [...]
Behind the Headlines with 3 Monkeys Zeno’s Tristan Pineiro
Tristan Pineiro, co-head of 3 Monkeys Zeno’s consumer practice, reveals how he got a starter lesson in the importance of branding, recalls his first, unintentional, [...]
Behind the Headlines with NPR founder Nathan Rous
Nathan Rous, director of NPR, talks about cutting his teeth in local media, why PR is one of the most “incredible” sectors to work in and once bearing a striking [...]
Behind the Headlines with Stir PR MD Alicia Mellish
Alicia Mellish, MD of Stir PR, on what’s led her to appreciate vacuum packed food, the marker for campaign success and why PR should be seen as the gatekeeper to a [...]
Behind the Headlines with W’s Adam Leigh
Adam Leigh, former deputy editor of The Independent and now strategy director at W, on the most efficient way to get up to speed on the latest news stories, cutting his teeth [...]
Behind the Headlines with Spider PR’s Jessica Dixon
Jessica Dixon, director, B2B and corporate, at Spider PR, on being a fan of “reactive opportunities”, where she first showed off her persuasive comms skills and [...]
Behind the Headlines with Fever’s Jo Chappel
Jo Chappel, creative director at Fever, on finding those eureka ideas during the most menial of tasks, launching a “Culture Vulture” programme to enhance [...]
Behind the Headlines with Riot co-founder Preena Gadher
Preena Gadher, co-founder and co-MD of arts and culture specialist agency Riot Communications, on her days of being like Charlie Bucket, what got her “hooked on” [...]
Behind the Headlines with Ranieri MD Pietro Ranieri
Pietro Ranieri, MD at consumer tech PR firm Ranieri, on the roller coaster ride of running a PR agency, understanding what success actually looks like, and why journalists [...]
Behind the Headlines with Allison+Partners’ Jim Selman
Jim Selman, London MD at Allison+Partners, on starting off his PR career in LA, what his first boss got so wrong and youthful dreams of becoming a fireman. Before I reach the [...]
Behind the Headlines with Launch PR’s Johnny Pitt
Johnny Pitt, CEO of Launch PR, on roaring success, a very public penchant for chocolate and the worst thing anyone has said to him. Before I reach the office in the morning, [...]
Behind the Headlines with Wei-UK’s Cecilia Yan
Ruojun “Cecilia” Yan, head of PR and social at Chinese speciality consumer engagement agency Wei-UK Consulting, on aligning Western and Chinese media objectives for clients, [...]